The BBKC Story


The original people of Australia used the Blackbean tree as a seasonal gathering point, its bark and fibres were used for fish, animal traps, nets, baskets and toys and its leafy adaptions to the seasons as a signal for when to hunt jungle fowl.

Simple ingenuity derived through connection to the land drives the thoughts and processes too for BlackBean Knife Co.

Our vision is to design & build tools of excellence through field testing, precision manufacturing and sustainable practices.


Ashley Bean feels privileged to now call Australia home and for the opportunities that this country has afforded him.

BlackBean Knife Co. is a culmination of his passions.

As an avid outdoor enthusiast, Ashley has spent most of his life working and playing in oceans across the globe. His first hand knowledge combined with his skill for precision crafting challenges him to consistently deliver knives that he would confidently use himself.